Subj : Re: EVIL To : ANDEDDU From : JIMMY ANDERSON Date : Sun Jan 30 2022 10:37 pm -=> ANDEDDU wrote to ALL <=- AN> @VIA: AMSTRAD AN> @MSGID: <> AN> God had given his creatures an absolute FREE WILL. God's pleasure, it AN> would seem, is derived from the love of His creatures who remain loyal, AN> faithful, and true, voluntarily, out of respect for HIS infinite AN> perfections. AN> The fall of Lucifer proves that all angels and all human beings can AN> become evil if they so choose. AN> As such, the universe has been dominated by two supernatural powers. AN> God rules over those of His creatures that remain loyal to Him, while AN> Lucifer is the Prince of the regions of darkness, and rules the AN> multitudes who voluntarily defect from God and join him in rebellion. AN> Has this first Heavenly revolution transferred itself to Earth? Is AN> there an ongoing battle between GOOD and EVIL, the agents of Lucifer AN> and those who are loyal to God? And is this part of God's plan in AN> relation to the coming End Times? Ever read Hal Lindsey's book "Satan is alive and well on planet Earth?" I read it years ago, and it stands true today as well! .... bort etry o what I mean!!! --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52 þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Cordova, TN * .