Subj : Re: EVIL To : Andeddu From : DaiTengu Date : Tue Feb 08 2022 05:15 pm Re: Re: EVIL By: Andeddu to JIMMY ANDERSON on Mon Feb 07 2022 01:15 am >> Ever read Hal Lindsey's book "Satan is alive and well on planet Earth?" >> I read it years ago, and it stands true today as well! An> No. I have checked it out on Amazon though and it looks like an interesting An> read. I'll add it to my list! If you believe in God then you will know that An> Satan is alive and is the ruler of Earth... Earth being part of the kingdom of An> Hell. Seems a little extreme. Who came up with that fanfiction? DaiTengu .... Government corruption seems always to be reported in the past tense. --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .