Subj : Re: EVIL To : Andeddu From : DaiTengu Date : Thu Feb 10 2022 08:12 am Re: Re: EVIL By: Andeddu to DaiTengu on Wed Feb 09 2022 06:38 pm >> Seems a little extreme. Who came up with that fanfiction? An> Dunno... some book called The Bible. I've read it. it's a slog, incredibly dry and unbelievably boring. I'm guessing the reference here is to a passage in 2 Corinthians, which requires the reader to make a lot of assumptions to arrive at that conclusion. Therefore, it's fanfiction at worst, headcanon at best. DaiTengu .... A day without sunshine is like night. --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .