Subj : Humanity To : Diogenes From : DaiTengu Date : Wed Sep 07 2022 12:48 pm Re: Humanity By: Diogenes to All on Wed Sep 07 2022 03:24 am Di> My name is Stephen Aaron Jesse and I hope this post find you well. I have Di> a website at that will tell you more about me and Di> who I am. Oh boy. > PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE. I'll try. It's ugly as sin and hard to read because it is in ALL CAPS and fixed width to about 26 characters wide. > ON THIS DAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH 2022 I NOW SAINT JOYCE MEYER. This took me a minute to wrap my head around. 1. you cannot "Saint" anyone. The word you're looking for is "canonize". 2. as far as I can tell, you're not The Pope. 3. Joyce Meyer? The televangelist that scams money out of poor people so she can take another flight on her private jet? (A Gulfstream IV. I wonder if she's jealous of Kenneth Copeland's Gulfstream V? At least she's not a filthy peasant like Creflo A. Dollar who only has a Gulfstream III!) > HACKERS OF THE WORLD: KEEP ATTACKING MY SERVERS, YOUR ATTEMPTS ARE FUTILE. I really doubt any "hackers" are attacking your servers. What is it with Evangelicals and their persecution complexes? 1. you're running on Namecheap hosting. Those aren't "your servers" 2. Other than having the admittedly kinda neat "deds3c" domain, your site isn't going to be a target for hackers. there's nothing there anyone would want to take, learn, or even deface. > BEFORE YOU PROCEED ... I WOULD LIKE TO CONGATULATE YOU. > YOUR CHANCES OF SURVIVAL JUST WENT UP SIGNIFICANTLY, > JUST FROM READING THIS SITE... This sounds like a threat, bub. > [ ... ] MANY THREATENING WORDS IN ALL CAPS [ ... ] > I JUST WANT TO REITERATE THAT HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE MOTIVE HERE, I think you mean "Ulterior motive" er, sorry. "ULTERIOR MOTIVE" I'm skipping over inane rambling from here on out and picking out a few choice things. at this point, I still have no idea what you're going on about. > "WINTER WILL SOON BE UPON US" Fuck yeah! Ice fishing season! > [ ... ] INANE RAMBLING, END OF THE WORLD, DOGS & CATS LIVING TOGETHER. > MASS HYSTERIA! [ ... ] > SATANISTS OF THE WORLD YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE REALLY INVOLVED WITH. Oh, now you've peaked my interest. Lemme guess "Satanists" are anyone who isn't Christian, right? > YOUR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE ON DARK MAGICK AND WITCHCRAFT WILL HELP EXPEDITE > YOUR OWN DEMISE. THE SHIELD I RECEIVE FROM THE LORD IN ALL OF MY BATTLES > WILL ALWAYS BE TRIUMPHANT OVER ANY MAGICK OR RITUALS YOU CONJURE UP. "Magick" ? Do you think "Mage: The Ascension" is a real thing, and not simply a game? > [... ] Blah blah .. TEH TWITTERS REFUSE TO VERIFY ME... blah blah [ ... ] You have to be a notable public figure. not just "a business" > [ ... ] Blah Blah THIS TWEET SHOWS EVIL EXISTS! blah blah [ ... ] Dude, "The Church of Satan" along with "The Satanic Temple" are as satanic as I am christian. Anyway, I'm going to stop here. I have work to do .. this was a lark though, thanks for the laugh! DaiTengu .... I'm not broke, I'm just badly bent. --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .