Subj : Re: pre trib To : Homefriedspam From : Andeddu Date : Tue Nov 01 2022 12:02 am Re: Re: pre trib By: Homefriedspam to Andeddu on Fri Oct 28 2022 10:56 pm > This position is usually based on a hidden assumption that there is no > "run-up" to the Tribulation, and/or there can only be one "bunch" of > resurrected believers--all necessarily part of the singular rapture event. > These assumptions don't mesh with Pre-Trib theology, and Pre-Trib is what > ends up getting abandoned, rather than the offending assumptions. The question is: Will Christians face the challenges of Daniel's 70th Week? If pre-Tribbers are mistaken, they will not be mentally prepared to take on the challenges and opportunities in relation to Abomination of Desolation. "For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure - for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the SAINTS. (Rev 19:7-8) This means that the wedding takes place in Rev 19, which is not the beginning -- is it? Also, do you think the Bride of Christ clothes herself with the righteous deeds of someone else, such a Tribulations Saints? Those who miss the Rapture? I don't think so. These Saints ARE the Church, otherwise known as those who are saved. Jesus mentions his glorious coming in Matthew 24:29-31 and tells 5 parables to help explain that return during the rest of Matthew 24 and 25. All of those parables are about His glorious return in the clouds during which EVERY eye will see Him. The parables cannot be about a hidden secret rapture that Jesus NEVER mentioned. Passages such as: "Of that day and hour, no man knows" are about the Glorious return, etc... nothing about this group of parables can be about a pre-Trib rapture that Jesus NEVER discussed. Now in relation to the parable of the wise and wicked servants, there is more evidence that it is about the glorious return as well. Notice the sins of the wicked servant and how he beats his fellow servants. This is an echo of Jesus' statement in context back in Matthew 24:10-11 where he stated "Those who fall away betray and hate their former brothers and sisters in Christ." But even more significant is the fact that the wicked servant eats and drinks with drunkards. So you have to ask yourself: "Why is this a sin? Jesus ate and drank with sinners all the time." Christians are to associate with sinners and win them over to Christ. So why is THIS sin worthy of being cut to pieces by Jesus? The reason is because it happens during the Mark of the Beast. We know this because the only way to buy food and drink at that time will be under The Mark. So by logic, the only way eating and drinking with drunkards is a sin is if one has taken The Mark. The parable thereafter goes on to mention that the good servant was able to eat during this time becuase he had stored food away prior to the Great Tribulation. Anyway, there is a lot to this, such as the 144,000 (12,000 from each of the Biblical 12 Tribes) coming down, etc... Those who believe in the pre-Trib should just be aware that if they are wrong they MUST know why they are wrong and continue to walk the narrow path. --- þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW! .