Subj : Re: 'Nuff said. To : Accession From : tbirdsradio Date : Fri Sep 18 2015 08:41 pm Re: Re: 'Nuff said. By: Accession to tbirdsradio on Fri Sep 18 2015 04:00 pm tb>> That's certainly part of it. From this fans perspective, the firing tb>> of Lovey Smith in 2012 was a travesty. The next two years of the Ac> I'm not sure as to why they fired Lovey, but he had absolutely no reaction Ac> when they were being dominated. I never saw him get angry, or yell at a Ac> ref, or anything. Other than that, I thought he did alright. Mainly because they missed the playoffs the last 5 of 6 seasons. Now admittedly that last sentence looks really bad for any team but take a look back at the QB injury merry-go round. Grossman, Griese, Orton, Todd Collins, Caleb Hanie, Josh McCown, Jason Campbell, Jimmy Clausen, Jay Cutler. Now, to Lovey's credit, he had to be in total control of his emotions because can you imagine? :) He was an amazing positive influence for his players. I've even read that he never even used profanity around his team. The players loved him. Heck, Urlacher retired because of it. The majority of the team wanted to leave with him. That's saying something! When he took over Tampa a couple years ago former Bears players were trying to get over there. tb>> Seattle. Back to back Superbowl trips is unbelievable in any era but tb>> even more unbelievable in this age of free-agency. Ac> Very true, but I know we can beat 'em. :) Find out this week, right? You gonna be able to get the game in your area? Ac> I'm not so sure they made the right decision giving Cutler all that money Ac> and all those years. I still have yet to be convince that he's any kind of Agreed. I think it hurt'em and hurt the team! Then again, this is his season to prove everyone wrong! If they can't get the run going this year it could be real ugly. -Best --- þ Synchronet þ ´ TBIRDS BBS ´ telnet:// .