Subj : Re: 'Nuff said. To : tbirdsradio From : Accession Date : Sat Sep 19 2015 08:21 am Hello tbirdsradio, On 18 Sep 15 20:41, tbirdsradio wrote to Accession: Ac>> Very true, but I know we can beat 'em. :) tb> Find out this week, right? You gonna be able to get the game in your tb> area? Yessir. I'll have the best seat in the house! :) Ac>> I'm not so sure they made the right decision giving Cutler all Ac>> that money and all those years. I still have yet to be convince Ac>> that he's any kind of tb> Agreed. I think it hurt'em and hurt the team! Then again, this is his tb> season to prove everyone wrong! If they can't get the run going this tb> year it could be real ugly. -Best Sure, but if it does get ugly, what can they really do? If they were to let Cutler go, they'd have to pay him off, which at this point is probably still quite a bit of money, leaving them hurting for picking up anyone else at a decent price. Where would they start? Hasn't the coach only been there a year or two? Just seems like it's mass confusion over there right now. Someone's gonna have to be the whipping boy (if they do bad, of course). :) Regards, Nick --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20150715 * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) (723:1/701) þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .