Subj : Re: BBS Sports League NFL Week #2 Official Game Ticket (OGT) To : tbirdsradio From : Accession Date : Thu Sep 15 2016 06:55 pm Hello tbirdsradio, On 15 Sep 16 11:19, tbirdsradio wrote to Accession: tb> Hi Nick, tb> Man, i muffed up the ticket. The NY Jets are at Buffalo (not the tb> Giants). I noticed you took the Giants on the OGT, let me know who you tb> want and i'll make the adjustment. No worries. It's just a friendly game. At least it was caught in plenty of time to get fixes submitted. :) tb> My apologies. Would like to claim "rookie mistake" but that's out the tb> window. No worries. This isn't the mafia. Nobody (besides Ralph?) will be burying you 6 feet under for a little typo. lol tb> GO BEARS! Now you've gone too far. GO PACK GO! Regards, Nick .... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827 Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .