Subj : Re: BBS Sports League NFL Week #2 Official Game Ticket (OGT) To : tbirdsradio From : Accession Date : Fri Sep 16 2016 01:04 pm Hello tbirdsradio, On 16 Sep 16 09:24, tbirdsradio wrote to Accession: tb>>> GO BEARS! Ac>> Now you've gone too far. GO PACK GO! tb> Cracking up! Yeah, i thought you'd get a kick outta that. Living tb> in Southern Indiana i get hammered regardless. I can see that. But like you said, when you were young you didn't have a local team, so you had to root for someone! tb> Speaking of the Pack, i'm really interested to see the matchup with tb> the Vikes this week. You cooking up a big batch of wings for this tb> one? My fiesta is Monday night this week. I'm thinking Chicken Tacos tb> or maybe BBQ Nachos. -Enjoy the game! I can't see it being much of a matchup without their starting QB! Last year I think they beat us one game. We had no idea how to handle Bridgewater, it seemed. Next time we played them though, we evened it up. As for what's on the menu, I believe I'm going to do a 6 hour 3-2-1 smoke on some baby back ribs. The kiddos have been asking for it all week. :) Regards, Nick .... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827 Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .