Subj : Re: BBS Sports League NFL Week #2 Official Game Ticket (OGT) To : tbirdsradio From : Ralph Smole Date : Sat Sep 17 2016 09:51 am Re: Re: BBS Sports League NFL Week #2 Official Game Ticket (OGT) By: tbirdsradio to Accession on Sat Sep 17 2016 09:19 am > Re: Re: BBS Sports League NFL Week #2 Official Game Ticket (OGT) > By: Accession to tbirdsradio on Fri Sep 16 2016 01:04 pm > > tb>> Speaking of the Pack, i'm really interested to see the matchup with > tb>> the Vikes this week. You cooking up a big batch of wings for this > > Ac> I can't see it being much of a matchup without their starting QB! Last > Ac> year I think they beat us one game. We had no idea how to handle > Ac> Bridgewater, it seemed. Next time we played them though, we evened it u > > Yeah, was a shame Bridgewater got hurt. Would have been fun to see how much > he developed this year. It's hard to gauge how everybody's gonna do with > only one week under the belt but they played hard last week and got it > together in the second half. The reason i'm interested is due to the > acquisition of Bradford. > > That, coupled with the power running game (if Peterson stays healthy) could > be just what the Vikes need to turn it up and be dangerous down the stretch > this year! > > The PACK had to really work on the road last week to get that win. This week > their back on the road in very hostile territory. Gonna be fun to watch! > > Ac> As for what's on the menu, I believe I'm going to do a 6 hour 3-2-1 smo > Ac> on some baby back ribs. The kiddos have been asking for it all week. :) > > Ah man, that sounds great. E-N-J-O-Y! > -Best > > > > ... Freedom of the press is limited to those who have one. > GB will reign supreme ;-) --- þ Synchronet þ ´ TBIRDS BBS ´ telnet:// .