Subj : BBS Sports NFL "Pick'em" Week #12 OGT To : Bill McGarrity From : Accession Date : Wed Nov 23 2016 08:35 pm Hello Bill, On 23 Nov 16 17:04, Bill McGarrity wrote to Accession: BM>> I like your Monday night pick... ;) Ac>> I haven't bet against them yet. Probably a good reason as to why Ac>> I'm in last place, too. I can't believe how bad they're playing. Ac>> They gotta get their heads outta their asses at some point... Ac>> right? BM> Well, the one time I did want their heads in the ass they beat the BM> GIants!! I figured they'd make slim pickens of Washington... head>. Better get their shit together this week... ;) Here's hoping. They can talk about their injured defense all they want. The backups should be damn near as good as the originals, or your team wasn't built properly. Regards, Nick .... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1) Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .