Subj : Baseball stats: offensive sabermetrics To : All From : Digital Man Date : Tue Sep 05 2017 04:44 pm Any baseball statiticians / sabermetricians here? I have an idea/inspiration for (what I think is a new/better) offensive metric with a working title of "realized potential at bat". I wouldn't want to duplicate existing work and I'm aware that offensive statistics are a very popular area of focus/work for new statiticians, but so far, I haven't been able to find a single metric which includes the factors of my algorithm. I've been looking at and the linked-to pages and documents. In summary, my metric (RPAB) would represent the amount of realized-potential per plate appearance and average realized-potential of a player or group of players over a selected period of time (e.g. game, month, season, career). The RPAB would reflect the fact that for example, in many scenarios, a strike-out is actually a better outcome (realized-potential) than a L/GDP. The resulting metric is just a number similar to a batting average, but likely much lower on average: 1.000 would represent a perfect RPAB and MLB averages would probably be around .100. Anyone have experience with sabermetrics want to discuss? :-) digital man Synchronet "Real Fact" #92: Digital Man's manifesto from '96: Norco, CA WX: 87.6øF, 48.0% humidity, 8 mph NNE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .