Subj : Here we Go SUPERBOWL Pick To : ED VANCE From : Daryl Stout Date : Wed Jan 24 2018 03:42 pm Ed, EV> H> Who do you Pick to Win? EV> DS> The team with the most points. EV>I just HAD to make that conversation into a Tagline. (see below) EV>... Q:Who do you Pick to Win the Ball Game? A:The Team with the most points That's exactly the response they got from the sports team coach, on what their secret was to winning: "We scored more points than they did"!! Or, like the speaker who noted that "All food borne illnesses come from eating food."!! And, to top it off, a well known coach noted "Our future lies ahead". To all of these, I say "WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CLUE??!!" . Daryl --- þ OLX 1.53 þ "640K of RAM should be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .