Subj : Re: Scores Door To : Kirkman From : Internetking Date : Tue Jul 17 2018 03:48 am On Fri, 2 Mar 2018, Kirkman wrote: > > Re: Scores Door > By: David to All on Thu Mar 01 2018 09:40 pm > > Da> Is there a baseball, football, basketball, you name it sport, that: > Da> o Brings in the scores > Da> o Shows an average W / L > Da> o Shows the leagues > Da> o Gives Wins / Loss > Da> o Data is downloaded in text, excel, etc > Da> o Other things that I haven't thought of, because I am not a super sporty > Da> guy, just I keep getting asked for something like that. > > > Well, there is my Sports Stats door. It does most of those things, though not > the Excel part. It renders scores and standings in ANSI (or HTML tables using > ecwebv4) > > Find it here: > > > I looked at the xtrn directory file, it seems most are in linux... does it run on windows sbbs? is there instructions for that? --- þ Synchronet þ Internetking BBS - .