Subj : Re: NFL To : Arelor From : hollowone Date : Wed Sep 30 2020 01:12 pm Ar> Now, I think we can agree taking a knee was a clear declaration of Ar> political affiliation. Much like singing "Cara Al Sol" in mass. Singing Ar> that is not an alternate way of doing anything, it is just a way of Ar> declaring yourself a follower of General Franco's Fascism. And it would Ar> not fly well among non-fascists. Got your point sir, although everything is contextual I just reminded myself watching TV while France was hosting Euro 2016 Football (Soccer) Cup and when hooligans were being discussed I saw some English supported peeing and spitting and torching my country's flag. Well first thought I had actually was "Fuck the Brits, come and I'll shoot a bullet in your fucking head you half naked fucking monkey, next time you visit my country for a stag party, me and my boys will throw you to the river with concrete boots to make your adventure more comfy". so.. yes.. relatively speaking people might have felt offended by that famous kneeling, big time. /h1 .... -= I must say I love this cryptic world of BBSes more and more =- --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Amiga City - The BBS for the Amiga - more than 4,000+ files .