Subj : Browns To : HusTler From : KrUpTiOn Date : Fri Dec 04 2020 10:21 am Re: Browns By: HusTler to KrUpTiOn on Thu Dec 03 2020 08:13 am Hu> No shit. The world keeps getting smaller. I'm a big Jet fan and extremely Hu> dissapointed in them this year. It's embarrasing being winless this far Hu> into the season. The Giants are also dismal and are not going anywhere Hu> with the way they're playing. I have to pay to watch other games because Hu> these two are too frustrating to watch ;-) The Giants are starting to put some wins together though, we did win 3-4 in a row and in 1st place in the NFC East! Yay! As long as we have a better record than the Cowgirls, I'm happy! Jets are like the Browns a few years ago! I give them 3-4 years and they'll start to be better. I think the front office will get it eventually --- þ Synchronet þ The New Frontier ][ BBS [] -Akron, Ohio .