Subj : Baseball, Big and Small To : All From : Margaerynne Date : Thu Jul 07 2022 09:18 am Well we're in the dog days of summer, and about halfway through the MLB season. I'd say things are looking good for my beloathed Mariners, but second place doesn't mean much when you're seventh in the league. Can they close the gap with Houston? Probably not, but stranger things have happened. This team lives and dies on miracles. Over in Japan, the Yakult Swallows continue turning the tables, standing ten games over the Yomiuri Giants. Similar to the Yankees and Mets, the Swallows have traditionally been the underdog in their own city, so it's always nice to see them succeed. For Indy ball, the American Association's Milkmen continue their skid, turning 20-16 into 22-26. It's not enough to put them out, but it certainly isn't going to help them catch the Chicago Dogs, who have gone from 22-14 to 32-16 in that same span. Like the MLB, however, there's still half a season left, so hopefully they can get themselves in gear. Anyone else here a baseball fan? Or just enjoy going to the park a few times a year with friends? --- þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .