Subj : Other Ham Radio News To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Sat Sep 09 2017 10:04 pm I have updated the list of selected D-Star and D-Rats Nets in the D-Star and D-Rats Files area of my BBS, The Thunderbolt BBS, at -- and I can send these via FIDONet Netmail, or via email. I can be reached via FIDONet Netmail to 1:19/33 -- and my email is good on QRZ ( -- but you'll have to be logged in to get it. The filenames on the BBS are: selectnt.pdf (Selected D-Star Nets) dratsnet.pdf (Selected D-Rats Nets) Due to bots trying to hack the system, I have blocked several emails to the system...and have limited the majority of file access only to verified users in good standing. When I had most all the areas open, while I didn't mind folks "leeching" from the areas, several tried to upload malware to the, I had to implement the restrictions. I started the files, because for awhile, the list of nets at the DStarInfo website ( -- done by Ed, WA4YIH), had outdated information for several of the nets...mainly because those who had originally submitted the data to Ed, were not providing the updates of changes, etc. You can also download them from my D-Rats shared folder. Load up D-Rats, and look for the callsign WX1DER -- then move the mouse over my callsign to see what ratflector I'm on (it'll usually be the Southeast US D-Star Weather Net Ratflector ( -- I've been there the last several days because of Hurricane Irma. As a side note, the weather nets that I've been noted on have been canceled, due to formal activations for Hurricane Irma...which is pounding the Florida Peninsula right now. Once there, from the 4 choices at the top (under F)ile, V)iew, and H)elp) -- select Files. Then in the Station box, enter my callsign, WX1DER -- then change the ratflector to the Southeast US D-Star Weather Net Ratflector. Once that's done, click CONNECT. You will see a list of my files that are available...some are PDF files (such as the D-Star and D-Rats Net Listings -- the Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view them), some are textfiles, some are Excel Spreadsheets (XML) files, and others are image (picture) files, such as JPGs. Then, click on the desired file, and click DOWNLOAD. The file will transfer to your computer. Repeat it as many times as needed. Once done, click on DISCONNECT. For the D-Star and D-Rats Nets, the filenames are: Selected D-Star Nets.PDF Selected D-Rats Nets.PDF If you have any questions, please leave me a message in this echo. Daryl Stout, WX1DER, Net Control Arklatex D-Star Net Trains And Railroads Net CERT D-Star Net Southeast US D-Star Weather Net VoIP Hurricane Net --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .