Subj : The Flea Market Just Adde To : All From : DesotoFireflite Date : Tue Nov 03 2015 12:12 pm |YImporatant Update. |R"The Flea Market" |YIs Now Even Better! We are now |Yported to a new Network, which will put your items out to even more people |Yto read. I hope this proves to be a valuable tool for everyone. |CValhalla is proud to announce "The Flea Market", A place to sell your |Ctrinquets, do-dads, antiques, and whatever you have that you want to sell, |Cas long as it legal. When you post an item, it will be shown to every Member |Cof this system the next time they log on, for one time only. It's a Win-Win |Cfor everyone. Hopefully this will catch on, and be a hit. Remember, this echo |Cis shown to members all over the world. This is a self policing Echo, so be |Csure to post another message when your item sells to let others know it's |Cgone. If something seems off topic, please alert the sysop, so he/she can |Ctake action. Also, Enjoy, and have fun with this. Happy Selling:) --- þ Synchronet þ Valhalla Home Services þ USA þ .