Subj : Local License Exam Update To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri May 17 2019 11:49 am As you know, I do ham radio license exams on selected Saturdays at 10am Central Time, in the central Arkansas area...specifically in Sherwood, and Benton. So far, I have one examinee at Sherwood for June 1, and August 3...but potentially 4 at Benton for June 8 -- so, I'm very happy about that. With weather concerns the next several days, and with the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend coming up next weekend, I wanted to go ahead and get the word out now, in case folks can't check their emails for awhile. It appears that I have enough VE's for both the June 1 and June 8 session...I'll worry about the August 3 session toward the end of July, and the November 2 session toward the end of October. But, if you're a currently accredited ARRL/VEC Volunteer Examiner, I can use you...if you haven't advised me of such already. I know a couple that have advised me of schedule conflicts on those dates, and that's understandable. If you've previously advised me that you can attend, but something else has come up, please advise of such. Examinees who would like to test at Sherwood on June 1, or Benton on June 8 (I'll worry about the Sherwood sessions in August and November another day)...or Volunteer Examiners who'd like to serve, please reply to wx4qz at arrl dot net -- or call my voice mail at 501-476-2545...I will return your call as soon as possible. Take note that the current 2015 General Class License Question Pool and resulting exams will EXPIRE on June 30, with a NEW pool and exams taking effect on July 1. If you plan to take the General Class exam BEFORE July 1, study the 2015 General Class Question Pool. However, if you can't take the General class exam until July 1 or later, you'll need to go to -- and download the 2019 General Class Question Pool from there. Otherwise, you could be in for a rude awakening on exam day. For what to bring to the session, go to: I will reply with directions to the sites you note via email. Lastly, if you are paying CASH for the exam fee ($15 per element), PLEASE BRING EXACT CHANGE. Due to financial constraints, I may NOT have petty cash available to "make change" at the session. In this regard, a check or money order, payable to ARRL/VEC, for the needed amount, would work better. My apologies for any inconvenience. Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, UALR Ham Radio Club VE Team Liaison --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32 * Origin: RadioWxNet: The Thunderbolt BBS (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .