Subj : Local License Exam Update To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Sat Aug 03 2019 03:15 pm At a license exam session in Sherwood, Arkansas on August 3, 2019, we had 2 examinees, and 8 VE's. Of the examinees, one got his Technician, and missed passing the General by 3 questions...not bad for not having seen the material. He is planning to upgrade later. Another examinee missed the General 1 the first time, and by 2 the second time. The problem was, he had studied the OLD Question Pool that EXPIRED on June 30, INSTEAD of the NEW Question Pool that took effect on July 1!! If you are a VE Team Liaision, you need to implore the examinees to be SURE to study the CORRECT Question Pool, or they're going to be in for a RUDE AWAKENING on exam day!! Every 3 out of every 4 years, on July 1st, one of the license class Question Pools and resulting exams...changes. It's Technician in year 1, General in year 2, Amateur Extra in year 3, then no updates in year 4...before the cycle starts over again. Examinees also need to be sure that websites they use have the CORRECT material -- HamTestOnline ( ALWAYS has the correct material online. Once a Question Pool expires, it is REMOVED from their website. They put the final version of the new pool online, in case examinees aren't going to be able to test until after the pool changes. By the same token, VE Team Liaisions need to be SURE that they have the CURRENT exam books in their supplies. Once the old pool expires, any old books supplied by the VEC, or exam books printed with exam software, should be DESTROYED. VE's today were WX4QZ (Liaison), KF5STK, AG4HH, W5ARL, KK5IT, KA5FDX, NI5Y, and W5HWH...I appreciate their serving. I'd rather have more VE's than needed...than to not have enough, and have to cancel the session. Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, UALR Ham Radio Club VE Team Liaison --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .