Subj : Classes And Exams (B) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Oct 04 2019 09:54 am (CONTINUED FROM LAST MESSAGE) Question Pools And Effective Dates: =================================== The amateur radio license class Question Pools are to have at least ten (10) times the number of questions that are on the license exams for each test element. With 35 questions on both the Technician and General Class License Exams...and 50 questions on the Amateur Extra Class exam... depending on which element, or how many license class elements you plan to test for, you'll have from close to 400 to over 1600 questions to study. And, because they're in the pools (unless a particular question has been withdrawn), there is a CHANCE that ANY of the questions in the pools WILL appear on the test!! The Question Pools are updated and released every 4 years, based on new technologies, rules changes, etc. The actual release date is around six (6) months prior to the effective date (January 1st release date for a July 1st effective date). This allows time to catch any errors...and change or withdraw any questions that are vague, with incorrect data, etc.; so that various companies that publish study guides can have accurate information in their products. The ARRL Question Pool website on the Internet ( has this information as well. Technician: Changed in 2018; changes in 2022, 2026, 2030, etc. General: Changed in 2019; changes in 2023, 2027, 2031, etc. Extra: Changed in 2016; Changes in 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, etc. BE SURE THAT THE QUESTION POOL YOU OBTAIN FOR STUDY, HAS THE CORRECT DATES. If not, you could be in for a "rude awakening" on exam day. On The Thunderbolt BBS (, in the Ham Radio Exams file area, are as follows (all of these require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them) -- NOTE the EFFECTIVE DATES. When the new ones become effective, the old ones are REMOVED from the files area. You can download these also from the NCVEC website, or the ARRL website -- the URLs are noted later in this bulletin/message thread. 2018TECH.PDF Amateur Radio Technician Class license question pool, valid from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2022. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. 2018TCHG.PDF Graphics for the Technician Class license question pool, valid from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2022. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. 2019GEN.PDF Amateur Radio General Class license question pool, valid from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2023. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. 2019GENG.PDF Graphics for the General Class license question pool, valid from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2023. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. 2016EXT.PDF 2016 Amateur Extra Class license question pool, valid from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2020. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. 2016EXTG.PDF Graphics for the Amateur Extra Class license question pool, valid from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2020. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. (CONTINUED NEXT MESSAGE) --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .