Subj : Classes And Exams (F) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Oct 04 2019 09:54 am (CONTINUED FROM LAST MESSAGE) NCVEC Form 605 Information Requirements: ======================================== The National Council Of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC) has prepared a form, the NCVEC Form 605, for use ONLY at an amateur radio license exam session. If you submit the form to the FCC, it will be RETURNED WITHOUT ACTION. Also, the FCC Form 605 is NOT used at an amateur radio license exam MUST use the NCVEC Form 605. The following information is REQUIRED on the form, with the appropriate details -- applicants should PRINT CLEARLY. The top part of the form (Section 1) is to be completed by the applicant. The bottom part of the form is to be completed by the administering VE Team. Make sure that the form is dated September, 2017 or later. If you submit an earlier version, your application will be RETURNED without action. SECTION 1 (to be completed by applicant): 1) Applicant Name: Last Name, Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.), First Name, and Middle Initial(s) (i.e. J or J.D.). 2) Station Callsign: If applicant is a current amateur radio licensee, where their license is unexpired or expired less than 2 years. In this case, their amateur radio callsign goes here. If they have never had an amateur radio license, or if their license is expired more than 2 years, they write NONE in the box. 3) Mailing Address. This is where the applicant can receive mail from the U.S. Postal Service. It can be a street address, street address with an apartment number, or a Post Office Box. 4) City, State, and Zip Code. The Zip Code can be 5 or 9 numbers. 5) Daytime Telephone Number (include area code), in case the VE Team, the VEC, or the FCC needs to contact you. A Fax number is no longer needed. 6) Email Address. This is MANDATORY to receive a license notification email from the FCC. The FCC no longer mails out printed copies of the amateur radio license. You MUST logon to the FCC ULS website, at with the logon credentials provided in the email, to print either an OFFICIAL or REFERENCE copy (or both) of your license. You can also CHANGE the DEFAULT from electronic to printed...and a copy will be mailed. However, using electronic is much better, as you can get a fresh copy anytime you desire (in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format), and not have to worry about the Postal Service losing it. This is also noted later in this bulletin/message thread. 7) Social Security Number (SSN) OR Federal Registration Number (FRN). This is PROTECTED by the Privacy Act of 1974, and REQUIRED by the Debt Collection Act of 1996. If you have an outstanding federal debt, such as a student loan, a repayment plan must be submitted, before your license application will be processed. If you don't want to provide your SSN on the form, you can go to the FCC ULS website at where you can get information, then sign up to obtain a FRN. You will be REQUIRED to provide your SSN on the FCC ULS website to obtain an FRN. Note that the VE Team does NOT keep the Social Security number data; it's sent off to the appropriate VEC, who sends it to the FCC, who will issue a Federal Registration Number (FRN), with the amateur radio license. The FRN becomes a PERMANENT part of your record. So, if your amateur radio license were to lapse (expired over 2 years), if you decided to get back into the hobby, you will provide your FRN INSTEAD of your SSN. Eventually, the FCC will REQUIRE an FRN on the NCVEC Form 605, as the SSN will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. Once this occurs, prospective licensees will have to have an FRN BEFORE going to the license exam session. 8) Basic Qualification Question. The applicant MUST answer TRUTHFULLY to whether or not they have ever been CONVICTED of a FELONY, by any State or Federal Court. More information is elsewhere in this bulletin/ message thread. If the VE Team can NOT verify or validate your identity...if you do NOT provide either your SSN or an FRN at the test session, if you don't have proper payment prepared (noted below), or if you don't answer "The Felony Question" (noted above) will NOT be allowed to take the license exam(s). In this case, if you have signed up and pre-paid, your test fee will be refunded. Next, on the NCVEC Form 605, you will check the following boxes: A) Examination for a new license grant. This is if you have NEVER had an amateur radio license...OR if your previous amateur radio license expired more than 2 years ago. You will start with the Technician License Exam (Element 2). B) Examination for upgrade of my license class. This is if you have a current, valid amateur radio license (Novice, Technician, General, or Advanced), and you are upgrading to either Technician (from Novice), General (from Technician), or Amateur Extra (from General or Advanced). C) Change my name on the license to the new name. This is mainly for those who change their name via marriage, divorce, becoming widowed, or for other issues. The applicant must provide their former name. D) Change my mailing address to the new address at the top of the form. You are REQUIRED to keep your mailing address with the FCC *CURRENT*. If mail sent from them to you goes back as UNDELIVERABLE, they will REVOKE your amateur radio license. Transmitting on a revoked license can result in fines of $7500 to $10,000 or more, FOR EACH OFFENSE. E) Change my callsign systematically. This is mainly useful ONLY for those hams upgrading to Amateur Extra, and want a callsign for that class of license...usually 2 letters, a number, and 2 more letters. The prefix's first letter will be an "A". The applicant MUST initial the form to confirm this. Otherwise, you will get a new callsign with the same syntax (2 letters, a number, and 3 letters) as your current callsign. You can NOT apply for a Vanity Callsign with this form... that must be done at the FCC ULS website. F) Renewal of my license grant. If your amateur radio license is within 90 days of expiration, or within 2 years after expiration, check this box. G) Additional license application before the FCC. If you already have a license application on file with the FCC, that has not been acted on, enter the purpose of the other application. The VEC will enter the pending file number. H) Certification. You will then have to certify by your signature and date, that: a) You waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency, regardless of prior use by license or otherwise. b) All statements and attachments are true, complete, and correct, to the best of your knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. Failing to do so is basically "committing perjury". c) You are NOT a representative of a foreign government. d) You are not subject to denial of Federal Benefits persuant to Section 5310 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Title 21, United States Code,  862 e) The construction of your station will NOT be an action which is likely to have a significant environment effect (See Title 47 of the Code Of Federal Regulations (CFR) Sections 1.1301 to 1.1319, and Section 97.13 (a) of the FCC Rules (these are in the Part 97 Rules door on the BBS). f) You have read and WILL COMPLY with section 97.13(c) of the FCC Rules, regarding Radio Frequency (RF) safety, and the amateur service section of OST/OET, bulletin #65. Part 97 lists the maximum permissible RF Safety limits per band, before an RF Safety evaluation is required. SECTION 2 (to be completed by the adminstering VE Team): Each administering VE is to PRINT their first name, middle initial(s), last name, and suffix, PRINT their callsign, then sign and date the form. The signature must match the name. As noted above, the VE's basically are putting their own licenses on the line. According to Part 97 of the FCC Rules...if a VE team, or individual VE, administers or certifies an exam by fraudulent means, they could lose BOTH their VE accreditation, and their ham radio licenses FOR LIFE. (CONTINUED NEXT MESSAGE) --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .