Subj : Test To : C.g. Learn From : Gaylen Hintz Date : Tue Jun 28 2016 05:27 pm For reasons unknown to us C.g. Learn said thus to Gaylen Hintz: CgL> Yay, It's now working. Stop the presses.... Cool Beans!! Glad to see ya got it going! CgL> ___ GAPNet Enhanced CgL> - Origin: - Richmond, VA - CgL> (801:1/3) CgL> @EEN-BY: 1/3 CgL> @ATH: 1/3 Looks good here too! Congrats and welcome to the FTN side! ================================================================== _ __/| Having a bad day? It could be worse so cheer up! \'+.0| {The Curmudgeon} =(_^_)= U Acckkk Pfffffttttttt yahoo gaylenhintz ================================================================== * PowerSIG/Win32 v2.00/alpha 1 .... I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I'm on the last one. ___ TagDude 0.92ss+[GH] with 23,200 taglines. --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: The Curmudgeon's Place telnet:// !! (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ The Curmudeon's Place .