Subj : Today In History To : THE CURMUDGEON From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jul 01 2016 08:36 pm Gaylen, TC> DS> Or, the person is just plain nuts to do it on the sperm of the TC> DS> moment. However, it is better to be pissed off than pissed on. :) TC> What? You're telling me you don't like "Golden Showers" ? Do you TC>still have that little program that you used to post all those funny TC>puns? I do...the Today In History program. I still have not had time to set up all the auto posts in other echoes with the software switch, but the posts with Today In History (blooper, weather history, pun history, Bible Verse, Burma Shave ad, and random quote) are being done. However, we've had thunderstorms every day this week, and the BBS has been offline more than online, because of all the lightning. But, I'm glad for the rainfall prior to the 4th of July. With a moist roof, it's less likely hot embers from fireworks will set your residence on fire. Even though the shooting off of fireworks is forbidden in the city limits, people do it anyway. Daryl --- þ OLX 1.53 þ Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool. þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, AR - .