Subj : Today In History To : THE CURMUDGEON From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue Jul 05 2016 10:34 am Gaylen, TC> Thats' cool and good luck with that. I don't always read them but I do TC>usually come back to them sooner or later. Is that a custom program you TC>have or did you come up with it yourself? I use the Today In History program by Patrick Kincaid. It's shareware, but there's no notice of "please register" when it runs (I went ahead and registered mine, but like so many other legacy BBS programs, it may not be registerable anymore). The tedious part was setting up the control files for all the entries, even though they were done with the MS-DOS Text Editor. TC> I don't blame you a bit. If you want, you can send some of that rain up TC>this way. We're getting into a drought situation here and really do need TC>the rain. Good news is I don't have to mow the lawn twice a week... heck TC>think I'll wait another week before I even try as short brown grass is not TC>very appealing. :) We didn't get as much rain as expected, but at least the fireworks and loud bangs didn't last as long as they seemed to in years past. Maybe folks didn't have the money to buy them, or they knew the police would be out looking to arrest violators. TC> Oh I wouldn't doubt that a bit. It's one of the advantages of living in TC>a small town in South Dakota where you can still legally shoot off some TC>fireworks. Of course, like I mentioned before, ya better have that water TC>hose primed and ready. :) Or being out in the middle of nowhere, you could sit nude on your front porch, and you'd be so far from the road that no one could tell otherwise!! I personally would've made a horrible nudist. I sunburn in 10 minutes, and am allergic to the insects. Plus, I'm reminded of the classic comic strip "The Far Side", where the scene is a group of bears looking over the fence at the humans at "The Happy Valley Nudist Colony"...and the lead bear grumbles "Well, there goes my appetite"!! :) Daryl --- þ OLX 1.53 þ Why's the third hand on the watch called the second hand? þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, AR - .