Subj : Re: Testing Mystic To : The Curmudgeon From : Black Panther Date : Fri Jan 13 2017 02:52 pm On 01/13/17, The Curmudgeon said the following... TC> @QSRC MOJO TC> @MSGID: <> TC> @TZ: 4168 TC> Ok, just a test to make sure I've got this configured right on my ftn TC> connection with the Mystic board. TC> TC> Greetings from a Conservative Republican and dammed proud of it! TC> TC> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Windows) TC> * Origin: The Curmudgeon's Place (801:1/2) TC> þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - Got it fine here. Dan Richter aka Black Panther Sysop - Castle Rock BBS --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Windows) * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - Rio Rancho, NM .