Subj : Test To : Daryl Stout From : Ray Quinn Date : Wed Feb 28 2018 02:37 pm -=> Daryl Stout wrote to RAY QUINN <=- DS> Ray, RQ>New node testing. DS> Got it in Arkansas. RQ>If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, RQ>then only left handed people are in their right minds. DS> Let's hear it for the southpaws. :) Lefties of the world, UNITE! I hear the weather has been quite unsettled hn that part of the country. I texted with my son in Salem, near Ash Flat, and he says they have been getting a lot of rain, but his house is on a hill and they are "high and dry", relatively speaking. We usually have about 7.4 inches by February 26, but we had only 1.6", but we got about 1/2" on Monday with more expected Thursday through Saturday, with 4' of snow in the Sierra Nevada. (Our water bank). .... Southern DOS> Ya'll reckon? (Y)ep/(n)ope === MultiMail/Win32 v0.50 --- SBBSecho 3.03-Linux * Origin: US 99 BBS - Visalia, CA USA - (801:1/22) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .