Subj : Echo Description To : ALL From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jul 01 2016 09:17 am This message deals with slow scan and fast scan television. Not many other hobbies allow the individual to "have their own TV station". The advantage of slow scan TV (SSTV) and fast scan TV (FSTV), is that it can transmit visual images during public service events, or other operations. Some hams have that with pictures of their shack...sort of the ham radio version of "Skype", but without the internet, or charges. Note that I am working on preparing batchfiles for these message areas, and it may take some time to get these posts going. Also, since I consider messages over 30 days old to be out of date on my BBS, these messages are deleted after that point, and reposted once a month, with new information, when required. Daryl Stout, WX1DER --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, AR - .