Subj : New video interview To : All From : Digital Man Date : Tue Apr 13 2021 08:30 pm Part four of Al's "Back to the BBS" YouTube documentary is premiering this Thursday, US time. The entire episode is just on BBS software and includes and interview with yours truly. Premiere is at 13:30 PST / 21:30 UK Time. Here's the link: -- digital man This Is Spinal Tap quote #37: David St. Hubbins: We are Spinal Tap from the UK - you must be the USA! Norco, CA WX: 56.1øF, 73.0% humidity, 0 mph NNE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .