Subj : RIP: Jack Swindell To : All From : Digital Man Date : Tue Apr 16 2019 09:18 pm Just a head's up: my father passed away this morning at the age of 74. He's had multiple myeloma (blood cancer) for 3 years and the past 6 months has been a real struggle and steady decline (including cardiac arrest in November) - so it's a relief to the family in many respects, but we will miss him dearly. He was definitely the patriarc of the family and will leave a unmistakeable power void. He didn't want to leave and faught hard to the end through undescribable suffering. He's leaves a legacy of his wife of 30 years, my brother and I, our wives and my 3 daughters - his children. My dad bought my brother and I our first computer (a Commodore VIC-20) and supported our hobbies and interests with enthusiasm our entire lives. He was a successful real estate developer, investor, and financier. He had no interest in retirement and worked to the end. He loves to shopping for fishing boats and real estate and buying and selling the same, but mostly... boats. Lots of boats. Anyone in the market for a 33 or 36' Wellcraft? :-) Sincerely, -Rob digital man Synchronet "Real Fact" #42: Rob Swindell was laughed out of a FidoNet Net103 (OC, Calif.) meeting in 1992. Norco, CA WX: 55.5øF, 83.0% humidity, 6 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .