Subj : Wx Terms (A)(6) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Wed Aug 02 2017 12:07 am Auroral Oval In solar-terrestrial terms, an oval band around each geomagnetic pole which is the locus of structured aurorae. Automated Event Reporting Gage (also see Tipping Bucket Rain Gage); for river stage gages, IFLOWS pressure transducer type gages can be programmed to report if water surface rises or falls by a predetermined amount. Automated Report A meteorological report prepared by an automated surface weather observing system for transmission, and with no certified weather observers signed on to the system. Automated Surface Observing System The ASOS program is a joint effort of the National Weather Service (NWS), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Department of Defense (DOD). Completed in the mid-1990s, the ASOS systems serve as the nation's primary surface weather observing network. ASOS is designed to support weather forecast activities and aviation operations and, at the same time, support the needs of the meteorological, hydrological, and climatological research communities. Autumn The season of the year that is the transition period from summer to winter, occurring as the sun approaches the winter solstice. Meteorological autumn (different from standard/astronomical autumn) begins September 1 and ends November 30. Autumnal Equinox The equinox at which the sun approaches the Southern Hemisphere, marking the start of astronomical autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The time of this occurrence is approximately September 22. On that day, daylight is everywhere 12 hours. Compare with vernal equinox, offset by six months. Avalanche A mass of snow, rock, and/or ice falling down a mountain or incline. In practice, it usually refers to the snow avalanche. In the United States, the term snow slide is commonly used to mean a snow avalanche. Avalanche Advisory A preliminary notification that conditions may be favorable for the development of avalanches in mountain regions. AVBL Available AVG Average AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. Main sensor on U.S. polar orbiting satellites. AVN The Aviation model (120-hour numerical model of the atmosphere). The output from this model is now part of what is known as the GFS model. AVP On a buoy report, Average Wave Period is the average period (seconds) of the highest one-third of the wave observed during a 20 minute sampling period. AWC Aviation Weather Center AWHPS Area Wide Hydrologic Prediction System AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System. This system replaced the Automation of Field Operations and Services (AFOS). This system allows the operator to overlay meteorological data from a variety of sources. AWOS Automated Weather Observation System Azimuth A direction in terms of a 360ø compass. North is at 0ø, east is at 90ø, south is at 180ø, and west is at 270ø. Azimuth Angle The direction or bearing toward which a sloping surface faces (e.g., a north-facing slope has an azimuth angle of 360ø; a northeast-facing slope, an azimuth angle of 45ø). Azores Current One of the currents of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Azores High Alternate term for Bermuda High - a semi-permanent, subtropical area of high pressure in the North Atlantic Ocean off the East Coast of North America that migrates east and west with varying central pressure. Depending on the season, it has different names. When it is displaced westward, during the Northern Hemispheric summer and fall, the center is located in the western North Atlantic, near Bermuda. In the winter and early spring, it is primarily centered near the Azores in the eastern part of the North Atlantic. Also known as Azores High. --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .