Subj : Todays Weather History To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Fri Dec 11 2015 12:09 am TODAY Version 3.7 06/24/94 Copyright 1986, 1994 By Patrick Kincaid Today is Friday December 11, 2015. This is the 345th day of the year, there are 20 days left. On this day... Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center website at In 1932 Very cold weather prevailed along the West Coast. San Francisco received 0.8 inch of snow, and at the airport the temperature dipped to 20 degrees. At Sacramento CA, the mercury dipped to 17 degrees to establish an all-time record low for that location. Morning lows were below freezing from the 9th to the 15th at Sacramento, and the high on the 11th was just 34 degrees. The cold wave dealt severe damage to truck crops and orange groves in the Sacramento Valley. In 1987 Low pressure over southwestern Ontario, Canada, brought snow and gusty winds to the North Central U.S. Winds gusted to 62 mph at Riverton WY. Snow and high winds in eastern North Dakota reduced visibilities to less than one hundred feet at times. Warm weather prevailed across the Southern Plains Region. Six cities reported record high temperatures for the date, including Del Rio TX with a reading of 89 degrees. Laredo TX and Kingsville TX tied for honors as hot spot in the nation with afternoon highs of 92 degrees. In 1988 Arctic cold invaded the central and eastern U.S. Sault Ste Marie MI reported a record low of 14 degrees below zero, and International Falls MN was the cold spot in the nation with a low of 25 degrees below zero. Temperatures remained below zero all day over parts of eastern Upper Michigan and northern New England. In 1989 Strong Santa Ana winds developed across southern California and parts of central California. Winds in Kern County of central California gusted to 100 mph near Grapevine. The high winds reduced visibilities to near zero in the desert areas, closing major interstate highways east of Ontario CA. In 1990 A 3 mile stretch of pea soup fog reduced visibility on I-75 near Calhoun, TN, causing an 85 vehicle pile-up and 12 deaths. In 2000 A powerful arctic cold front swept across Arkansas, bringing a wide range of temperatures. Just after 12 noon Central Time, the temperature was 66 degrees at Little Rock. Then, the cold front passed, dropping the temperature 23 degrees to 43 degrees in just 1 hour!! At 1pm, it was 15 in Fayetteville in the northwest corner of the state...and it was 67 in Pine Bluff, in southeast Arkansas...a 52 degree spread!! In 2002 Rain, freezing rain, sleet, and snow affected much of Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and into New England, creating hazardous driving conditions. Interstate 80 near Cunningham, PA was shut down for several hours by a multi- vehicle accident, involving both cars and trucks. In 2014 (11th-12th) A monster storm hammered the west coast of the U.S. with wind and rain. Over 6 inches of much needed rain fell, but it came too fast. This led to mud and rock slides, which badly damaged at least a dozen homes in Camarillo, CA. In the Sierra Nevada Mountains, heavy snow was accompanied by wind gusts over 130 mph on Mount Lincoln and White Mountain. Winds were near hurricane force in both Washington and Oregon. At Portland, OR, a 67 mph gust was highest in the area since 1981. --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .