Subj : Todays Weather History To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Sun Oct 22 2017 09:56 am TODAY Version 3.7 06/24/94 Copyright 1986, 1994 By Patrick Kincaid Today is Sunday October 22, 2017. This is the 295th day of the year, there are 70 days left. On this day... Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center website at In 1965 The temperature soared to 104 degrees at San Diego CA. Southern California was in the midst of a late October heat wave that year. Los Angeles had ten consecutive days with afternoon highs reaching 100 degrees. In 1985 A guest on the top floor of a hotel in Seattle WA was seriously injured while talking on the phone when lightning struck. Several persons are killed each year when the electrical charge from a lightning bolt travels via telephone wiring. In 1987 Yakutat AK surpassed their previous all-time yearly precipitation total of 190 inches. Monthly records were set in June with 17 inches, in September with 70 inches, and in October with more than 40 inches. Twenty-two cities in the eastern U.S., most in the southeast, reported record low temperatures for the date. Morning lows of 30 at Athens GA, 28 at Birmingham AL, and 23 at Pinson AL, were the coldest of record for so early in the season. Showers produced heavy rain in southern California, with amounts ranging up to five inches at Blue Jay. Flash flooding resulted in two deaths, ten injuries, and more than a million dollars damage. In 1988 A "nor'easter" swept across the coast of New England. Winds gusted to 75 mph, and large waves and high tides caused extensive shoreline flooding. A heavy wet snow blanketed much of eastern New York State, with a foot of snow reported in Lewis County. In 1989 A storm system moving out of the Gulf of Alaska brought rain to the Northern and Central Pacific Coast Region, with snow in some of the mountains of Oregon, and wind gusts to 60 mph along the Oregon coast. Six cities in Florida reported record low temperatures for the date, including Tallahassee with a reading of 34 degrees. --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .