Subj : Echo Description To : ALL From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jul 01 2016 09:14 am With any hobby, one has to constantly get "new blood" to replace those individuals who are getting out of the hobby for one reason or another, including health and financial...or (to it bluntly), they are dying off. The youth (young people) of today are the FUTURE of ham radio. Sadly, most kids nowdays are so into their "computer tablets", and they don't care about hobbies like ham radio. However, I have a few "encouraging examples": 1) A young lady in Tennessee passed her Technician exam at 5, her General exam at 6, and her Amateur Extra exam at 7!! 2) One elderly ham's grandson didn't seem overly interested in ham radio, until his grandfather sent a text message to his grandson's smartphone. 3) I've heard of kids as young as 10 years old (and possibly younger) acting as Net Control Operators. 4) The Amateur Radio Newsline, does a yearly award called "Young Ham Of The Year". Details are at their website, -- look for the YHOTY link for details. Note that I am working on preparing batchfiles for these message areas, and it may take some time to get these posts going. Also, since I consider messages over 30 days old to be out of date on my BBS, these messages are deleted after that point, and reposted once a month, with new information, when required. Daryl Stout, WX1DER --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, AR - .