Subj : Echo Description To : Daryl Stout From : Nightfox Date : Thu Aug 31 2017 12:33 pm Re: Echo Description By: Daryl Stout to ALL on Fri Jul 01 2016 09:17 am DS> With any hobby, one has to constantly get "new blood" to replace those DS> individuals who are getting out of the hobby for one reason or another, DS> including health and financial...or (to it bluntly), they are dying off. I know the message I'm replying to is about a year old, but anyway.. I've sometimes thought about getting into HAM radio. My dad has used HAM radio for a long time, but I still haven't gotten into it. It seems like it might be an interesting hobby to get into though. However, it seems there are fewer and fewer HAM radio users all the time, so I'm wondering how interesting it would be these days.. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .