Subj : Echo Description To : NIGHTFOX From : Daryl Stout Date : Sat Sep 16 2017 08:43 pm N>I know the message I'm replying to is about a year old, but anyway.. I've N>sometimes thought about getting into HAM radio. My dad has used HAM radio fo N>a long time, but I still haven't gotten into it. It seems like it might be a N>interesting hobby to get into though. However, it seems there are fewer and N>fewer HAM radio users all the time, so I'm wondering how interesting it would N>be these days.. Well, ham radio is much different now than what is was years ago. First, the Morse Code requirement for a ham radio license was eliminated over 10 years ago. You can still learn it and use it, but you no longer have to prove that you know it. Second, for those who are in "antenna restricted environments" (as I am), you can operate "internet radio" (much to the angst of the "ham radio purists"), with just a computer, headset mic (or a desktop mic and speakers), the software, and a Technician Class or higher amateur radio license. And, you don't need to worry about radios, power supplies, antennas, SWR meters, etc. I check into, or run traffic nets, every night of the week. While an Amateur Extra Class licensee (I had to be, to give and grade ham radio license exams in central Arkansas), when I'm "on the air", I operate mainly in the Technician Class bands, because I enjoy them. Further information on the study options, exam session information, etc. -- is available from a link off my homepage at Daryl, WX1DER --- þ OLX 1.53 þ Z-Modem: A modem that has been given a tranquilizer. þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .