## Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Acquisition by 20h ## Intro Today's track of talks shows different ways of knowledge acquisition. ## Knowledge Acquisition Start with the knowledge acquisition from oberservation, theory finding and adaptation to modern science coming from thousands of years of fine-grained practical experience. Scholars from thousands of years have made theories in their head, which then were stripped down to what we do today. Those theories are developed further with more knowledge. This is a process of complexity observation to fitting theory and practical application. This is how social science gives us knowledge. ## Knowledge Acquisition The second way of knowledge acquisition is to start from the basics of what is presented in nature, from proteins, genes, cells and use those tools with new research discoveries for new practical treatments. From the finding of DNA, RNA to specific RNAs. This is combined with cell receptors and as of today practical relevance in treating diseases. This is a case of natural rules leading to practical appplication. This is how natural science gives us knowledge. ## The old fight: Is Medicine a social or a natural science? It is both, as you will see. Knowledge and methods from both sides are used. ## Knowledge Processing We have found out how natural and social science generate knowledge for us to be reused. Next comes the science of knowledge, which is information science and its practical application, computer science. The newest step of evolution in the science of knowledge is to use it to theorize about known or not knowing and using this fact for proving. ## Extend your worldview! Please use this opportunity to extend your views and see the world in different eyes. Have fun!