104. We were going to tell you how to fix the Internet in four easy steps, but the only one we could remember is the last one: profit. So instead, here are some random thoughts… Xenophobic but not against immigration reform In the United States, you have today created a law, the Telecommunications Reform Act, which repudiates your own Constitution and insults the dreams of Jefferson, Washington, Mill, Madison, DeToqueville, and Brandeis. These dreams must now be born anew in us. What's it doing? Sitting on your shelf, unused, because you've already upgraded? With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge - we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us? - peer-to-peer networks 9. Slow Media are distributed via recommendations not advertising: the success of Slow Media is not based on an overwhelming advertising pressure on all channels but on recommendation from friends, colleagues or family. A book given as a present five times to best friends is a good example. Everybody should have unencumbered access to the internet and other public information and communication networks and have the possibility to protect all data transfer with good privacy. To ensure this we, the European Pirates, advocate for a discrimination-free Internet, which does not permit operators, governments and other bodies to either block or prioritise certain kinds of applications, services or contents nor limits the access depending on the location of sender or receiver. I could answer that nobody is forced to be a programmer. Most of us cannot manage to get any money for standing on the street and making faces. But we are not, as a result, condemned to spend our lives standing on the street making faces, and starving. We do something else. **“Programmers need to make a living somehow.”** - Participate in the Nettime retirement plan, zero work by age 40. 077. Ensure that there is no conclusive evidence of Ikko giving monki 017. Create a prize that is awarded. 63. The more machines sound human, the more they slide down into the uncanny valley where everything is a creep show. 54. If we want to know the truth about your products, we’ll find out from one another. Winer wants to demystify the server. "Engineers sometimes mystify what they do, as a form of job security," writes Winer, "I prefer to make light of it... it was easy for me, why shouldn't it be easy for everyone?" 3. Slow Media aim at perfection. Slow Media do not necessarily represent new developments on the market. More important is the continuous improvement of reliable user interfaces that are robust, accessible and perfectly tailored to the media usage habits of the people. For example, the patent system was established to encourage inventors to disclose the details of their inventions. Its purpose was to help society rather than to help inventors. At the time, the life span of 17 years for a patent was short compared with the rate of advance of the state of the art. Since patents are an issue only among manufacturers, for whom the cost and effort of a license agreement are small compared with setting up production, the patents often do not do much harm. They do not obstruct most individuals who use patented products. 27b. ctrl + c 7. Methods for the decryption of messages hidden inside 3D objects. Why is there so little explicit, organized effort to repurpose technologies for progressive gender political ends? XF seeks to strategically deploy existing technologies to re-engineer the world. Serious risks are built into these tools; they are prone to imbalance, abuse, and exploitation of the weak. Rather than pretending to risk nothing, XF advocates the necessary assembly of techno-political interfaces responsive to these risks. Technology isn't inherently progressive. Its uses are fused with culture in a positive feedback loop that makes linear sequencing, prediction, and absolute caution impossible. Technoscientific innovation must be linked to a collective theoretical and political thinking in which women, queers, and the gender non-conforming play an unparalleled role. Access is important. Don't lock your creativity into a format we can't see. The zero dollar laptop has already been distributed. (You weren't told about it at the time of distribution.) Computers are simply a necessary and enjoyable part of life, like food and books. Computers are not everything, they are just an *aspect* of everything, and not to know this is computer illiteracy, a silly and dangerous ignorance. In a very short time, the world has learned much about unaccountable secret agencies and about sometimes illegal surveillance programs. Sometimes the agencies even deliberately try to hide their surveillance of high officials or the public. While the NSA and GCHQ seem to be the worst offenders - this is what the currently available documents suggest - we must not forget that mass surveillance is a global problem in need of global solutions. the death of the flow capital is a new stage for the necrotization of capitalism. 012. Don’t think outside the box. Build a box. There is probably no other word that would be as overused in the media discourse as ‘generation’. I once tried to count the ‘generations’ that have been proclaimed in the past ten years, since the well-known article about the so-called ‘Generation Nothing’; I believe there were as many as twelve. They all had one thing in common: they only existed on paper. Reality never provided us with a single tangible, meaningful, unforgettable impulse, the common experience of which would forever distinguish us from the previous generations. We had been looking for it, but instead the groundbreaking change came unnoticed, along with cable TV, mobile phones, and, most of all, Internet access. It is only today that we can fully comprehend how much has changed during the past fifteen years. Like other migrant media tactitions Wodiczko has studied the techniques by which the weak become stronger than the opressors by scatering , by becoming centreless, by moving fast across the physical or media and virtual landscapes. 'The hunted mustdiscover the ways become the hunter.' The open source, open access and open data communities were essential to enabling the web as we know it today and have become the main drivers of the digital economy. A further key element that we currently lack is open access to the information distributed across the web. One more thing: we do not want to pay for our memories. The films that remind us of our childhood, the music that accompanied us ten years ago: in the external memory network these are simply memories. Remembering them, exchanging them, and developing them is to us something as natural as the memory of ‘Casablanca’ is to you. We find online the films that we watched as children and we show them to our children, just as you told us the story about the Little Red Riding Hood or Goldilocks. Can you imagine that someone could accuse you of breaking the law in this way? We cannot, either. - Der Zugang zu Computern und allem, was einem zeigen kann, wie diese Welt funktioniert, sollte unbegrenzt und vollständig sein. 096. Dismiss expressions like “from farm to table” as superstition. 6. Force the audience to voyage the acousmatic videoscape. Create conceptually synaesthetic artworks, that exploit both visual and aural glitch (or other noise) artifacts at the same time. Employ these noise artifacts as a nebula that shrouds the technology and its inner workings and that will compel an audience to listen and watch more exhaustively. 040. Participate in lively Internet discussions that don’t interest you. The radical opportunities afforded by developing (and alienating) forms of technological mediation should no longer be put to use in the exclusive interests of capital, which, by design, only benefits the few. There are incessantly proliferating tools to be annexed, and although no one can claim their comprehensive accessibility, digital tools have never been more widely available or more sensitive to appropriation than they are today. This is not an elision of the fact that a large amount of the world's poor is adversely affected by the expanding technological industry (from factory workers labouring under abominable conditions to the Ghanaian villages that have become a repository for the e-waste of the global powers) but an explicit acknowledgement of these conditions as a target for elimination. Just as the invention of the stock market was also the invention of the crash, Xenofeminism knows that technological innovation must equally anticipate its systemic condition responsively. 005. Design a three-step program. - contest the algorithm 079. Express yourself vaguely if anyone asks you, “How much is a bandwidth?” The unstable media are the media of our time. They are the showpieces in our modern homes. We promote their comprehensive use, instead of the often practiced misuse of these media. We strongly believe that all people have the right to fair and equal treatment. As everybody belongs to a minority, it is essential that society respect the rights of minorities.