# 2018-02-09 14:31:02.432584 UTC (+0000) Geomyidae v0.31 release I am proud to announce the geomyidae v0.31 release[0][1][2]. There were some major issues fixed, so a new release is necessary: * There is now gph vim syntax highlighting files in the archive. * Gopher+ compatibility mode. * No sockets are left behind anymore. * New log format of geomyidae is now documented in the manpage. * There was some ugly bug with curl connecting to a Linux system, where after close() some bytes were lost. Now some check is added to be sure all data has been sent to the client. If you want to have bad dreams, look at the curl sourcecode. Thanks for everyone contributing! Have fun! 20h [0] gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.31.tgz [1] ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.31.tgz