# 2018-05-26 12:47:42.014564 UTC (+0000) Bitreichcon 2018 Schedule and Location I am happy to announce the schedule of Bitreichcon 2018 and the exact location. There will be something new this year. Some talks are held re‐ motely. Via IRC and audio people who are not able to come to Rodez can still present interesting topics. This is also the reason why the sched‐ ule could change, if someone decides to hold a short remote presenta‐ tion. The location of Bitreichcon is in Nuces, Valady, right next to Rodez. It is a private address. When you plan to come, please contact me at 20h@r‐36.net or on IRC so I can tell you the exact address and we can organize eventual transports. Noone should be left behind. :) See everything at: gopher://bitreich.org/1/con/2018 Have fun! 20h