# 2018-12-08 09:20:00.450471 UTC (+0000) Thinglaunch and Thingmenu now on Bitreich There are now two new projects on bitreich, I have been developing for a while and use them in my daily workflow: thinglaunch: Thinglaunch is a small prompter for input or passwords for X11. git://bitreich.org/thinglaunch % thinglaunch -o "Do you like bitreich? " # Dare to enter the wrong answer! :D thingmenu: Thingmenu is a simple menu for X11, which can be used to easily create touch interfaces too. git://bitreich.org/thingmenu % thingmenu -g 400x400 \ "red" "echo I like red" \ "blue" "echo I like blue" # As training, try to make a script with recursive menus. It's easy! Have fun with both of them! All suggestions and patches are welcome! Sincerely, 20h Chief Release Manager (CRM)