# 2019-07-21 14:23:21.746431 UTC (+0000) Eomyidae is Flying Through Gopherspace I want to inform you that eomyidae is now flying in gopherspace. Those little rodents fly all around and for now only collect menus, servers etc. They respect the robots.txt, as discussed on this mailinglist. No regexp, just checking, if a selector begins with. gopher://gopherproject.org/1/eomyidae gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Eomyidae At brcon2018 I outlined what I want in this presentation: gopher://bitreich.org/0/con/2018/rec/gopherproject-status.md During brcon2019 on day 2, I will release the source, all data gathered so far and further ideas. All ideas are welcome too. If you see this in your logs, eomyidae retrieved the robots.txt and wished you a nice day: »This is eomyidae, your friendly crawler. See gopher://gopherproject.org/1/eomyidae for more info. Have a nice day!« Sincerely yours, 20h Senior Air Officer (SAO)