# 2020-06-07 18:28:23.863932 UTC (+0000) Gopher TLS prototype in geomyidae We are happy and proud to announce, that there is now a prototype of gopher tls in geomyidae git://bitreich.org/geomyidae How does it work? When a client tries to connect via TLS, the first byte of the packet will be 0x16 or 22 decimal, which is forbidden as a selector in Gopher. This gives the server a hint to start TLS. Old servers will simply reject such a connection attempt. For now clic supports TLS. We are working on hurl TLS support. And for sacc it is on its way. git://bitreich.org/clic git://bitreich.org/sacc git://codemadness.org/hurl Hopefully further support will come to other clients. If you do not have anything at hand, here are some commandline clients: Plain old Gopher: printf "/\r\n" | nc bitreich.org 70 And with TLS: printf "/\r\n" | socat openssl-connect:bitreich.org:70,verify=0 - Have fun using TLS on gopher! All patches and recommendations are welcome. Sincerely yours, 20h Senior Security Manager (SSM)