# 2020-07-31 14:42:20.347318 UTC (+0000) Annna In The News! Annna made it to the news on a news site specialized on media linguistics. She is described as Annna ... is for 2 years active on IRC. ... She knows 3594 memes, as a multimedia rememberance of the far wide ways of the Internet ... She extracts information from websites ... which can be used for linguistic processing. ... For pleasurement she generates horoscopes with tips for programmers, invents computer technology ... and much more. https://www.mediensprache.net/de/news/20200731134304.aspx Thanks we have annna, helping us every day. :) 16:49:08 @__20h__ | annna, what's my horoscope? 16:49:08 annna | __20h__, Your system is running surprisingly stable, | and there's nothing anyone can say to change it. | You may meet a ruby hacker at yoga courses. A | conversation about salary may lead to metamorphisis. Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Senior Bot Keeper (SBK)