# 2021-05-08 14:50:26.827935 UTC (+0000) Bitreich Conference 2021 Announcement. Bitreich Conference 2021 will happen in the week from 14th to 20th of June, just one month to come. Every day, beginning on 20:00 CEST, the talks or events begin, with every day dedicated to different topics. This new use of the whole week allows easier scheduling of attending the conference and the reconsideration of one talk, allowing you to ask questions on further days. On Saturday we will have another Bitreich Area Network gaming party, which is open ended. gopher://bitreich.org/1/con/2021 If you do not like such community events, the XML Strip Club is always open and offers premium access not just to members: gopher://bitreich.org/1/xml-strip-club Everyone is welcome to send in proposals for talks, presentations or events. The current schedule prototype will change over time, depending on what is sent in. Please send proposals to: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> Instead of a logo, we have memes now. Here is the one for the conference: gopher://bitreich.org/9/memecache/bitreich-user-interface.mkv 3D, 4D and 5D next to come. :-D Wish you much fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Senior Conference Organizer (SCO)