# 2021-05-19 11:40:21.519643 UTC (+0000) Proposals for IRC network switch wanted. There is a problem with freenode: https://fuchsnet.ch/freenode-resign-letter.txt https://gist.github.com/aaronmdjones/1a9a93ded5b7d162c3f58bdd66b8f491 https://coevoet.fr/freenode.html As supporters of the free ideas and rejecting backstabbing commercial interests, using voluntary work for free, bitreich plans to switch to a new network too. We at bitreich are searching for proposals/ideas where to switch. Please send them to 20h@r-36.net or come on #bitreich-en on Freenode, so we can make a community decision on this. Sincerely yours, 20h Senior IRC Manager (SIM)