# 2021-05-30 18:19:00.072574 UTC (+0000) Bitreich IRC Migration Due to issues not conforming with the hacker manifesto and our principles, Bitreich has moved to its own IRC instance: ircs://irc.bitreich.org:6697 It is using a self-signed certificate. Here is the fingerprint: gopher://bitreich.org/0/irc.bitreich.org.fingerprint.txt Status so far: * All users have full cloaking. This cannot be disabled. * Full privacy features, like /who not populated at all. * CTCP only for /me is allowed. No file transfer and IP discovery. * Channels are hard-coded into the configuration. Ask the opers, if you need one. This simplifies administration. * Services will be configured as practically needed. * Tor will be setup directly on the server soon. * All bitreich.org references to freenode are slowly migrated. We want to preserve your privacy and freedom, using simple control. We hope this can be achieved this way. Another reason for migrating to a fully controlled server is the due to be changes in the IRC protocol to IRCv3. This will bring surveillance and ugly features with reduced scalability to IRC. In the initial phase of setting it up, a log for the admins is done. This will be disabled in 14 days, so no logs of connections are available any- more. Sincerely yours, 20h Senior IRC Operator (SIO)