# 2021-06-17 04:41:06.945949 UTC (+0000) Brcon2021: Spreading the love for ed(1). Those who could not attend or got interested into more ed(1) lifestyle and require more than 1024 seconds to grasp it, which is not a shame, here is a link to a nice ed(1) tutorial and to find further techniques, background on ed(1) and facts on ed(1) to brag in front of vim(1) and emacs(1) users: gopher://katolaz.net/0/ed_tutorial.txt It is also linked to from the conference page. Please send in your reports of how ed(1) changed your life and how you optimized your daily job to be faster, more efficient and of course more pleasureful! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Text Editor Manager (CTEM)