# 2021-08-19 13:30:35.089827 UTC (+0000) Bitreich IRC: Conviviality Why does Bitreich have no Code of Conduct? We strive for the fun and happiness of companionship. People from around the world connect anonymously in a group to find common interests, but through autonomous handling from their own self with creativity and new ideas. This is known as: gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Conviviality The web and concentrated services are the opposite: Copied and produced content is used to force you into a certain consumer stereotype. A Code of Conduct narrows down the way of creative thinking, has split up and destroyed communities over political and religious fights. It has nothing in common with conviviality. Code of Conducts have failed. May we keep using our own brain for bring forward the community and us for a pleasant future. Ending this article with a common quotation of our favourite philosopher annna: 15:44:00 @__20h__ | annna, how many memes do you know? 15:44:00 annna | I know (1<<5)|0x2420|(1<<2) memes: gopher://adamsgaard.dk/0/pub/memecount Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Happiness Officer (CHO)